Free Tasters

Try Before You Buy!

If you would like to 'see us in action' before you make a financial commitment, that's quite understandable and we are sure that you won't be disappointed with the calibre of our consultants and services.
Please contact us to find out more about our free tasters, but some possible examples are listed below...

  • A one hour, face to face, introductory coaching session, (at our offices in Wheathampstead)
  • A half hour telephone consultation on an HR issue
  • One MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Inventory) completion and feedback session
  • A 45 minute lunch-time seminar or management training session on a topic relevant to your business, e.g. ‘How mediation can be used to resolve conflict’


Please contact us to discuss what you had in mind.

Note: All sessions are subject to agreement